Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Can HitchFit Help Me Take Bite Out of the Elephant?

There is an old saying I've heard many times in my life: "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."

Apparently, the elephant that I am trying to eat is exercise.  To start working out regularly.  And I certainly have not been very good about taking bites.  In fact, I'm only a week and a half away from competing in Ruckus St. Louis and I'm not even close to being ready.  Work and family life is still trumping my fitness goals. It's clearly time to get some help.  Professional help.

I wanna look like that (can you
blame me?)! 
Entrepreneurs perennially take on more than they should. It isn’t always just the “bright shiny object” syndrome. With me, it is that I am part of an organization that wants to change the world...yesterday. Call me impatient. Call me stubborn. But you can’t call me one for sitting around when I should take action and execute. The truth is, I seem to keep putting my fitness goals off in pursuit of checking off other milestones to change the world of entrepreneurship and help people turn ideas into profitable companies. 

Who would possibly be willing to beat some sense into me?

Enter HitchFit.

Just going to their website makes me feel better. These people not only look amazing, but they preach a healthy mind, body and spirit. Besides the fact that this is a great Midwestern company that is transforming people (like me) around the country, they are also really nice people. They just happen to be really nice,  REALLY IN SHAPE people. Just look at them. Is this my new bright, shiny object or can I really commit myself to do what I need to do for my family, my fitness and for myself?

Micah LaCerte and Diana Chaloux have been transforming even the most stubborn fitness-minded holdouts for many years. As I realize that the Ruckus obstacle race is just weeks away now, I need to get with the program. This race is going to be great fun, but only if I finish.

It's time for me to put on my entrepreneur hat (as if I'm not already wearing it!): It's time for me to set a goal, create a deadline and develop a plan to get there. Kind of sounds like building a startup company…why didn’t I think of this earlier? It’s always about execution.  Can I execute on this challenge? Anyone want to place their bets?

Stay tuned as I really get serious about my fitness, and take my first real bite of this elephant.

1 comment:

  1. Well buddy one thing I always say :Failure is not a Option at Hitch Fit. I will teach you the inside out of transformation and through it, it will change your life forever!!
